RWA Crypto is a representation and trade process of real-world assets such as property or commodities through digital tokens using blockchain technology. The sector of RWA will witness significant growth since the first $1 billion fund is coming soon.
The crypto market is rapidly changing with new trends and sectors getting into the industry. Real World Assets, as Alice Liu, the Research Lead at CoinMarketCap, observes, will continue to dominate use cases in crypto for 2025. Institutional investors, Liu shares his knowledge in the area, are likely to play a significant role in the surge in demand for RWA. So, why RWA crypto is to be the trendsetter for the number one spot in crypto trends in 2025, and more about what can happen in 2025?

RWA Crypto Lead in 2025: Alice Liu’s Expert Insights
The Rise of RWA: A Billion-Dollar Sector: In a recent interview, Alice Liu emphasized that the demand for Real World Assets in the crypto space is increasing day by day. Given its strong business model and the ability to produce operational revenue, RWA is quickly becoming the next focus area for institutional investors. Liu expects that soon, the RWA crypto sector will see its first $1 billion fund. Institutions such as BlackRock’s BUIDL fund are already building massive capital.
Currently, the market capitalization of the RWA crypto sector is $18.7 billion, although it has declined slightly by 1.9% in recent times. Nevertheless, demand for RWA remains strong, and the sector is well-positioned for significant growth in the coming years.
Why RWA is Gaining Popularity: Liu attributes the popularity of RWA crypto to solid business foundations. While speculative digital assets are less likely to be adopted by institutional investors, RWA projects bring value to investors’ tables. Besides, its similarity to traditional finance has seen RWA gain popularity among large-scale investors seeking stability in the crypto market.
2025: The Year of Crypto Innovation
Liu also goes beyond RWA by predicting that 2025 will be a landmark year for other new sectors in the crypto world. According to Liu, decentralized artificial intelligence (DeAI), decentralized science (DeSci), and AI-powered decentralized finance (DeFi) will see tremendous growth. These sectors are likely to change the crypto landscape with innovative technologies blended with the decentralized nature of blockchain.
According to Liu, the meme coins will continue to attract serious attention as they are less volatile. Despite this volatility, they have been somewhat resistant, and this sector is assumed to mature with better, more reliable business models and sustainable and community-driven projects.
Bitcoin Goes Mainstream: The Game Changer in 2025
Bitcoin, the best-known cryptocurrency, will also lead the market through its evolution in 2025. According to Liu, it will be when Bitcoin becomes widely adopted by both corporates and countries as a reserve asset. Regulators worldwide clearing the way for institutional adoption, approving spot Bitcoin ETFs in 2024 has legitimized the asset in the eyes of corporations and governments.
Liu further postulates that increasing institutional engagement in Bitcoin will boost its adoption and could be a potential reserve asset for national treasuries. National interest, especially by Germany, Russia, and Brazil, hints that soon, Bitcoin may become an indispensable player in the world of finance.

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Conclusion: Alice Liu’s Accurate Predictions Show an exciting future for Crypto in 2025. With strong demand, institutional investment in RWA crypto to dominate the space. Decentralized AI is going to rise, DeSci, and the meme coins going to make the waves, as well as when Bitcoin becomes an asset class to be mainstream.
As these trends unfold, the crypto market will continue to evolve, and investors, innovators, and enthusiasts will discover new opportunities. Watch these developments as 2025 approaches – it is going to be a transformative year for the world of digital assets.
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